Modulating Zn(OH)2 rods by marine alginate for templates of hybrid tubes with catalytic and antimicrobial properties. Lv, L., Wu, X., Li, M., Zong, L., Chen, Y., You, J., & Li, C. (2016). ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 5(1), 862-868.-成果-仿生智能材料研究组  
Modulating Zn(OH)2 rods by marine alginate for templates of hybrid tubes with catalytic and antimicrobial properties. Lv, L., Wu, X., Li, M., Zong, L., Chen, Y., You, J., & Li, C. (2016). ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 5(1), 862-868. 2016 绿色生物基 绿色环保材料 论文
lvll 2019-6-18 2287

With the help of marine alginate, Zn(OH)2 nanorods were synthesized under mild conditions (e.g., room temperature and atmospheric pressure) through a one-step, green, and scalable method, in which both the morphologies (e.g., nanorods and nanoflakes) and nanoscale sizes of Zn(OH)2 could be precisely controlled by alginate. Considering the high reactive activity as well as the adhesion property of dopamine, polydopamine nanotubes were produced by the template of Zn(OH)2 rods and following a mussel-biomimetic strategy of dopamine coating. The enhanced activities of polydopamine surfaces further offered the possibility of embedding Ag nanoparticles to produce Ag nanotubes with super-catalytic and -antibacterial properties. The combination of inexpensive starting materials, simple synthesis procedure, and exceptional properties gives Zn(OH)2 rods/nanoflakes great potential as templates and for multiple applications in catalysis, sensing, etc.

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