• 清华大学王训团队制备出高柔性、可拉伸的纳米线超晶格纤维
    清华大学王训团队制备出高柔性、可拉伸的纳米线超晶格纤维 随着越来越多的无机超细纳米线被合成,它们在光学,电学和磁学中的应用引起了人们广泛的兴趣。常规的无机纳米线纤维通常不可拉伸的并且几乎没有弹性,这会限制它的实际应用。超细无机纳米线在尺寸结构上与高分子链类似,因此湿纺和静电纺丝已被应用于制造纳米线纤维。迄今为止,通过湿纺已经获得了Bi2S3,金和羟基磷灰石纳米线纤维,并且通过静电纺丝法也已经获......
    lchaoxu 写于2019.09.04
    1771 1771 0
  • ACS Nano:声悬浮液滴表面的纳米颗粒自组装
  • Artificial “muscles” achieve powerful pulling force
    As a cucumber plant grows, it sprouts tightly coiled tendrils that seek out supports in order ......
    lchaoxu 写于2019.08.13
    1368 1368 0
  • Hydrogel uses sunlight to harvest fresh water from the sea
    In many arid coastal regions, a great quantity of valuable fresh water is lost into the atmosphere every day, as it evaporates from the surface of the ocean. This situation prompted scientists to create a new hydrogel that's highly effe......
    lchaoxu 写于2019.08.13
    2236 2236 0
  • Cooling/heating window film captures and releases solar energy
    The MOST window film keeps rooms from heating up during the day, but warms them at night(Credit: Yen Strandqvist/Chalmers University of Technology )...
    lchaoxu 写于2019.08.13
    2413 2413 0
  • Textile sandwich makes washable energy storage device
    Photo of the textile capacitor.3D rendering of the textile capacitor. [Image credit: Siyu Qiang.]Fiber-based textiles are the ideal starting point for wearable electronics because they are softer, more flexible, breathable, and biocompatible than ......
    lchaoxu 写于2019.07.13
    1456 1456 0
  • Cellulose ion trap turns heat into electricity
    Fig. 1. Schematic of the aligned cellulose nanofiber ionic conductor: (left) cellulose fibers are naturally aligned in the tree growth direction; (middle) cellulose has a hierarchical alignment, with the fibers consisting of aligned molecular chains;......
    lchaoxu 写于2019.07.13
    1339 1339 0
  • 清华等提出基于液态金属制备宽温区导体-绝缘体转变材料的通用策略_新闻_新材料在线
    清华等提出基于液态金属制备宽温区导体-绝缘体转变材料的通用策略来源:高分子科学前沿   我们知道,铜或银等金属导电性很高,而橡胶或玻璃等绝缘体则不能导电。出现这种导电性差异的本质原因在于物质内部是否拥有可自由移动的带电物质微粒,这取决于其内部的微观结构。如能有效地调控物质的微观结构,就可以实现对物质在导电与绝......
    lchaoxu 写于2019.07.13
    1625 1625 0
  • Stiffer shape-memory material utilizes magnetically-activated liquid
    While shape-memory materials do have some interesting potential applications, many of them require the application of heat in order to change shape – and that could cause problems, in temperature-sensitive environments such as the human bod......
    lchaoxu 写于2019.06.27
    1614 1614 0
  • 海南大学Angew.: 通过水凝胶类蜘蛛蛋白纤维从海水中超快速和高选择性提取铀
    对于从天然海水中提取铀,迫切需要具有高吸附容量、快速平衡率、高选择性和长使用寿命的吸附剂。海南大学Ning Wang课题组通过将超铀酰结合蛋白(SUP)的基因与蛛丝蛋白基因融合来设计基于嵌合蛛丝蛋白的超铀酰结合蛋白(SSUP)纤维。SUP赋予SSUP纤维对铀的高亲和力和选择性,而蛛丝蛋白赋予SSUP纤维高机械强度和高重复使用性。湿的SSUP纤维以富含水的水凝胶状结构存在,为铀酰离子的进入提供了丰富的亲水分......
    lchaoxu 写于2019.06.27
    2083 2083 0