• 美国研制高介电、高导热、耐高温层状复合材料 模量超过11GPa!_新闻_新材料在线
    美国研制高介电、高导热、耐高温层状复合材料 模量超过11GPa!来源:高分子科学前沿|聚合物电介质材料由于其自身具有高的击穿强度、设计多样性、低密度和耐久性,因而在现代电子电气行业应用广泛。然而目前商用聚合物电介质材料仍存在工作温度过低、热稳定性不佳和力学性能不佳等问题。例如双向拉伸的聚丙烯薄膜(BOPP)的工作温度往往低于85 ℃,且材料的熔点,即使用上限温度为160 ℃。此外,商用电介质薄膜的杨氏模量往往低于3 GPa,导热系数......
    lchaoxu 写于2019.06.19
    2070 2070 0
  • 美国为液体金属纳米液滴穿上聚合物外衣 或可用于软体机器人_新闻_新材料在线
    美国为液体金属纳米液滴穿上聚合物外衣 或可用于软体机器人来源:高分子科学前沿  |在室温下,共晶镓铟(EGaIn)是一种液态的金属合金。由于其良好的导热性、高介电常数、无限的可变形性以及金属导电性,EGaIn被广泛用于柔性电子和软体机器人的研究中,是柔性复合材料的重要组成部分。通常利用机械混合的方式将EGaIn微滴引入到聚合物弹性体中,以制造具有高热稳定性和导电性的可拉伸且强度高的柔性多功能复合材料。然而目前的机械共混方法......
    lchaoxu 写于2019.06.19
    1713 1713 0
  • 理化所制备出电学各向异性的柔性液态金属薄膜_新闻_新材料在线
    理化所制备出电学各向异性的柔性液态金属薄膜来源: 高分子科学前沿|文章来源:课题组约稿 针灸是一种传统的中医治疗方法,其中的针法是将毫针按照一定的角度插入人体特定深度的穴位,从而达到治疗疾病的目的。医生在行针的过程中,往往需要依赖自身经验及手法将针递送至特定的穴位,对于医生的技能要求很严格。客观化和精确化是中医现代化发展的趋势,发展针刺响应的超敏深度传......
    lchaoxu 写于2019.06.19
    1660 1660 0
  • 《先进功能材料》新型柔性抗菌材料:可自净、防污、智能释药_新闻_新材料在线
    《先进功能材料》新型柔性抗菌材料:可自净、防污、智能释药来源:高分子科学前沿|细菌、真菌和病毒等病原微生物能引发机体组织病变,严重威胁着人类的身心健康。医疗器械在介入体内后,在其表面滋生细菌是引发感染的最主要原因,给病患带来重大的经济损失,甚至会危及生命安全。为了赋予材料表面抗菌性能,需要依据细菌感染发生机制,有针对性地进行抗菌表面的构建,其策略主要为抗细菌粘附策略、杀菌策略。 ...
    lchaoxu 写于2019.06.19
    1582 1582 0
  • Polar bear fur-inspired insulation is even better than the real thing
    years now, scientists have marvelled at the insulating qualities of polar bear fur, suggesting that it cou......
    lchaoxu 写于2019.06.19
    2332 2332 0
  • Snail slime inspires reversible, super-strong glue
    The promise of reusable sticky things, from Post-it Notes to Blu Tack, has never quite been fulfilled. They're just never quite as sticky the second time around, or the third. But now, a team of engineers from University of Penns......
    lchaoxu 写于2019.06.19
    1451 1451 0
  • Stiffer shape-memory material utilizes magnetically-activated liquid
    While shape-memory materials do have some interesting potential applications, many of them require the application of heat in order to change shape – and that could cause problems, in temperature-sensitive environments such as the human bod......
    lchaoxu 写于2019.06.19
    1623 1623 0
  • New nanocellulose foam insulates better than Styrofoam
    Researchers at Washington State University have developed an environmentally friendly, plant-based material that for the first time works better than Styrofoam for insulation. Photo: WSU.Researchers at Washington State University (WSU) have develo......
    lchaoxu 写于2019.06.19
    1484 1484 0
  • Learning the signatures of the human grasp using a scalable tactile glove
    Humans can feel, weigh and grasp diverse objects, and simultaneously infer their material properties while applying the right amount of force—a challenging set of tasks for a modern robot1. Mechanoreceptor networks that p......
    lchaoxu 写于2019.05.30
    1886 1886 0
  • 'Ant bridge'-inspired nanoparticle assembly fixes broken electrical circuits
    Colonies of social insects are capable of self-organizing and accomplishing complex tasks through individual interactions. For example, to march across large gaps, ants grip the bodies of each other, forming a living br......
    lchaoxu 写于2019.05.30
    2774 2774 0