• Bionic mushrooms that can produce electricity
    Researchers at the Stevens Institute of Technology in New Jersey, USA, have produced electricity from mushrooms in a process involving bacteria and swirls of graphene nanoribbons. The ‘bionic’ mushrooms are actually......
    lchaoxu 写于2018.11.21
    1650 1650 0
  • Wrapping Nanocellulose Nets around Graphene Oxide Sheets
    Constructing advanced functional nanomaterials with pre‐designed organized morphologies from low‐dimension synthetic and biological components is challenging. Herein, we report an efficient and universal amphiphilicity‐driven assembly strate......
    lchaoxu 写于2018.11.30
    2436 2436 0
  • Cholesteric liquid crystals in living matter
    Liquid crystals play an important role in biology because the combination of order and mobility is a basic requirement for self-organisation and structure formation in living systems. Cholesteric liquid crystals a......
    lchaoxu 写于2018.12.05
    1906 1906 0
  • New nanocellulose foam insulates better than Styrofoam
    Researchers at Washington State University have developed an environmentally friendly, plant-based material that for the first time works better than Styrofoam for insulation. Photo: WSU.Researchers at Washington State University (WSU) have develo......
    lchaoxu 写于2019.06.19
    1484 1484 0
  • 海南大学Angew.: 通过水凝胶类蜘蛛蛋白纤维从海水中超快速和高选择性提取铀
    对于从天然海水中提取铀,迫切需要具有高吸附容量、快速平衡率、高选择性和长使用寿命的吸附剂。海南大学Ning Wang课题组通过将超铀酰结合蛋白(SUP)的基因与蛛丝蛋白基因融合来设计基于嵌合蛛丝蛋白的超铀酰结合蛋白(SSUP)纤维。SUP赋予SSUP纤维对铀的高亲和力和选择性,而蛛丝蛋白赋予SSUP纤维高机械强度和高重复使用性。湿的SSUP纤维以富含水的水凝胶状结构存在,为铀酰离子的进入提供了丰富的亲水分......
    lchaoxu 写于2019.06.27
    2082 2082 0
  • 蜘蛛如何「御电而行」?
    lchaoxu 写于2019.09.06
    1787 1787 0
  • Hierarchically oriented organization in supramolecular peptide crystals
    Hierarchical self-assembly and crystallization with long-range ordered spatial arrangement is ubiquitous in nature and plays an essential role in the regulation of structures and biological functions. Inspired by the multiscale hierarchical ......
    lchaoxu 写于2019.11.27
    2134 2134 0
  • 具有自组装扭曲微结构的蒸气敏感材料
    12月2020日,XNUMX (Nanowerk新闻)日本高级科学技术研究院(JAIST)的研究人员:研究生Kulisara Budpud,副教授。 Okeyoshi Kosuke教授,冈岛舞子(Maiko Okajima)博士和金尾达夫(Tatsuo Kaneko)教授揭示了一种独特的多糖纤维,其在干燥过程中形成的扭曲结构形成了类似于弹簧的行为。 扭曲结构的类似弹簧的行为实际上被用作具有毫秒级响应时间的蒸气敏感膜中的增强结构。 这项工作发表在 小 (“具有自组装扭曲微......
    lchaoxu 写于2020.06.18
    2507 2507 0
  • Shock to bacteria activates nature's electrical grid
    Multifunctional living materials are attractive due to their powerful ability to self-repair and replicate. However, most natural materials lack electronic functionality. Here we show that an electric field, applied to electricity-producing......
    lchaoxu 写于2020.08.19
    1692 1692 0