• Stiffer shape-memory material utilizes magnetically-activated liquid
    While shape-memory materials do have some interesting potential applications, many of them require the application of heat in order to change shape – and that could cause problems, in temperature-sensitive environments such as the human bod......
    lchaoxu 写于2019.06.19
    1624 1624 0
  • Snail slime inspires reversible, super-strong glue
    The promise of reusable sticky things, from Post-it Notes to Blu Tack, has never quite been fulfilled. They're just never quite as sticky the second time around, or the third. But now, a team of engineers from University of Penns......
    lchaoxu 写于2019.06.19
    1464 1464 0
  • Polar bear fur-inspired insulation is even better than the real thing
    years now, scientists have marvelled at the insulating qualities of polar bear fur, suggesting that it cou......
    lchaoxu 写于2019.06.19
    2338 2338 0
  • 理化所制备出电学各向异性的柔性液态金属薄膜_新闻_新材料在线
    理化所制备出电学各向异性的柔性液态金属薄膜来源: 高分子科学前沿|文章来源:课题组约稿 针灸是一种传统的中医治疗方法,其中的针法是将毫针按照一定的角度插入人体特定深度的穴位,从而达到治疗疾病的目的。医生在行针的过程中,往往需要依赖自身经验及手法将针递送至特定的穴位,对于医生的技能要求很严格。客观化和精确化是中医现代化发展的趋势,发展针刺响应的超敏深度传......
    lchaoxu 写于2019.06.19
    1664 1664 0
  • Spider hair-inspired sensors could give drones a "spidey-sense"
    Besides slinging webs and kissing while hanging upside down, Spider-Man's most famous ability is his "spidey-sense," allowing the hero to sense danger in advance and react with lightning speed. That's not purely fiction ei......
    lchaoxu 写于2019.06.22
    1770 1770 0
  • 有序设计聚合物内部的应力场,调控的结构颜色
    lchaoxu 写于2019.06.24
    2097 2097 0
  • 有生命的材料:利用微生物与细菌推动的驱动器
    Biohybrid actuators for robotics: A review of devices actuated by living cellsActuation is essential for artificial machines to interact with their surrounding environment and to accomplish the functions for which they are de......
    lchaoxu 写于2019.06.24
    1406 1406 0
  • 清华/复旦Nat. Catal.:蛋白质-高分子偶联物中合成高活性酶-金属纳米复合材料
    在酶催化和多相催化之间架起一座桥梁将为制造业提供新的耦合工业流程。然而,酶催化和多相催化反应条件的不同将会导致催化剂失活。近日,清华大学戈钧、肖海,复旦大学Richard N. Zare等多团队合作,克服了这一挑战,发展了一种合成该杂化催化剂的特殊方法。作者利用蛋白质-高分子纳米偶联物作为限域纳米反应器,原位合成了酶-Pd纳米复合材料。实验发现,合成的酶-0.8 nm Pd纳米粒子复合材料催化(S)-1-苯基乙胺外消旋化反应的活性增强。在脂肪酶最适温度55......
    lchaoxu 写于2019.06.27
    1909 1909 0