• 生物质基一维纳米材料
    lchaoxu 写于2018.09.03
    6748 6748 0
  • 蛋白质的纤维化组装
    在外部环境改变时,蛋白质的空间构型会发生变化,由可溶的天然态转变为不溶的纤维态,该过程被称为蛋白质的淀粉样纤维化(Amyloidosis)。[1-3] 蛋白质的淀粉样纤维化过程起始于蛋白分子的错误折叠,这些错误折叠首先生成寡聚体(oligomers),继而叠加形成原纤维(protofibrils)并最终自组装形成纤维或纤维聚集体(fibrils)。[4] 蛋白质的纤维化过程最早发现于某些疾病的病变组织中,是......
    limingjie 写于
    21332 21332 4
  • 微泡材料产业化
    lchaoxu 写于2019.09.04
    3268 3268 0
  • 海水能源离子的特异性筛分与富集
    充分利用海洋中蕴含丰富的离子,是海洋能源利用(如盐差发电与提取铀提锂)、国家洁净能源安全发展的战略需求。由于海洋中离子种类多、浓度低,海水能源离子在材料表面的特异性筛分与富集,是实现海水提铀提锂与盐差发电的核心步骤与关键问题。通过设计材料界面与微纳通道,构筑与解析生物及合成材料界面微环境对海洋离子的高通量选择性识别、传输与捕获的影响规律,建立海水能源离子的特异性筛分与富集理论。Encapsulating Amidoximated Nanofibrous Aero......
    lchaoxu 写于2022.11.21
    2126 2126 0
  • 融合多模态感知与致动功能的人造肌肉的仿生构建
    将柔性材料与人工智能结合,构建类生命智能软体机器,在软质机器手臂、水下软体微机器、器管动态仿真与康复、智能可穿戴器件等方面都具有重要意义。而融合感知与致动功能的人造肌肉,是构建软质机器的关键基础材料,是实现其高高灵敏、多模态感知,与高速、大应力应变致动的关键。通过探究肌肉细胞协同单向致动的机制,揭示生物细胞/微生物集合体与柔性材料的耦合机制,发展“活”人造肌肉在电/光/磁作用下协同运动规律。发展电/光/磁活性软质材料的仿生构筑策略, 揭示软质材料多级结构对多模态刺激的感应与致动机制,建立电......
    lchaoxu 写于2022.11.21
    3035 3035 0
  • 李朝旭 研究员
    扫码联系 李朝旭,中科院青岛生物能源与过程研究所、中科院大学、山东能源研究院研究员;仿生智能材料研究组组长;研究所学术委员会委员、学位委员会副主任;入选国家、中科院、省地多个人才计划,获山东省自然科学二等奖、全国商业联合会一等奖等。...
    lchaoxu 写于2018.09.03
    14453 14453 0
  • 李明杰 副研究员
    李明杰 博士主要研究领域:生物基低维纳米材料材料、复合功能材料、仿生传感与驱动材料、环境纳米材料等邮箱:limj@qibebt.ac.cn电话:0532-80662738......
    lchaoxu 写于2018.09.03
    6435 6435 0
  • 裴丹凤 副研究员
    hanxiao 写于2019.06.26
    5338 5338 0
  • 宫瑞英 二级项目负责人 / 高级工程师
    宫瑞英  博士二级项目负责人 / 高级工程师邮箱 gongry@qibebt.ac.cn......
    hanxiao 写于2019.08.01
    4190 4190 0
  • 王婷 副研究员
    hanxiao 写于2020.06.15
    4239 4239 0
  • 陈毅军 博士后
    陈毅军  博士 研究方向:联系方式:chenyj@qibebt.ac.cn......
    chexinpeng 写于2021.08.27
    3118 3118 0
  • Coaxially spinning stretchable zin-ion battery fiber with waterproof and scissorability.Nano Energy. 2024. Ling Li , Yijun Chen , Suxu Wang , Danfeng Pei , Mingjie Li , Tingxi Li , Chaoxu Li DOI:10.1016/j.nanoen.2024.109662
    Wearable energy storage with super mechanic flexibility, stretchability and safety has been in pursuit for smart flexible textiles. Fiber batteries, though having their superiority in spinnability, knittability and adaptability for breathable text......
    wangsuxv 写于2024.05.09
    1146 1146 0
  • Versatile Deprotonation-Induced Exfoliation and Functionalization of Biological Nanofibrils for Actuation and Fluorescence.ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2024. Bailang Zhang , Ting Wang, Mingjie Li, Minghao Mu, Zheng Wang, Yuwei Chen, and Chaoxu Li.
    Biological nanofibrils not only are characteristic of many species of biomasses but also serve as a promising type of sustainable nanomaterials for various applications. However, their production has long relied on an invasive and energy-consuming......
    wangsuxv 写于2024.05.09
    958 958 0
  • Zwitterionic liquid crystal elastomer with unusual dependence of ionic conductivity on strain and temperature for smart wearable fabric.Chemical Engineering Journal.2024.Yongpeng Wu , Fang Wei , Tingxi Li , Mingjie Li , Danfeng Pei , Chaoxu Li.
    Stretchable ionic conductors are appealing for soft electronics, yet frequently had their conductivities limited below the level desired by many applications, and also lack the ability of simultaneously actuating and sensing their own motions, res......
    wangsuxv 写于2024.05.09
    1001 1001 0
  • Capturing aqueous uranyl ions into catalytic nanometric shells of liquid metal droplets for electrochemical reduction,Chemical Engineering Journal,2024,Zhuanzhuan Zhai, Lifen Long , Xinpeng Che , Bailang Zhang , Ting Wang , Mingjie Li , Chaoxu Li
    Extraction of aqueous uranium element for practical applications has drawn growing attention due to its significance for both green energy acquirement and ecological environment remediation. Herein, the liquid metal droplets produced by a facile u......
    wangsuxv 写于2024.04.02
    1146 1146 0
  • Electrochemically exfoliated covalent organic frameworks for improved photocatalytic hydrogen evolution,Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2023,Ting Wang, Ruijuan Zhang, Pengda Zhai, Mingjie Li, Xinying Liu, Chaoxu Li, DOI: 10.1039/d3ta06312g
    Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) have recently shown great prospects for their photocatalytic applications in solar-to-hydrogen conversion. Nevertheless, most of the COFs were synthesized as crystalline bulk powders, impeding the exposure of sur......
    wangsuxv 写于2024.01.04
    1483 1483 0
  • Regioisomeric Benzotriazole-Based Covalent Organic Frameworks for High Photocatalytic Activity,ACS Catalysis ,2023,Ting Wang , Mingjie Li*, Yijun Chen, Xinpeng Che, Fuzhen Bi, Ying Yang, Renqiang Yang*, and Chaoxu Li*,DOI:10.1021/acscatal.3c04145
    Despite the fact that close correlation has been established between the structures of covalent organic frameworks (COFs) and their photocatalytic properties, the effect of COF isomerism has been rarely studied so far due to the limited number of ......
    wangsuxv 写于2024.01.04
    1518 1518 0
  • Two-Dimensionally Nano-Capsulating Liquid Metal for Self-Sintering and Self-Oscillating Bimorph Composites with Persistent Energy-Harvest Property, Advanced Functional Materials ,2023
    Two-Dimensionally Nano-Capsulating Liquid Metal for Self-Sintering and Self-Oscillating Bimorph Composites with Persistent Energy-Harvest Property, Advanced Functional Materials ,2023 Xinpeng Che, Ting Wang, Bailang Zhang, Zhuanzhuan Z......
    wangsuxv 写于2023.09.26
    1966 1966 0

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